Paintless Dent Repair

Paintless Dent Removal
Perth Based Paintless Dent Removal in WA

Perth Mobile Dent Repairs specialise in relatively small scale dents and dings. We will generally complete jobs up to the size of a dinner plate per dent. We are often used for hail damage which requires multiple small dents.This compares to having to fully replace the panels which becomes a multi-thousand dollar fix. For the most part we can fix dents, dings and minor damage using Paintless dent removal.  Clients generally can have the panel fixed at a price cheaper than the excess on the insurance claim.

This saves money and means that an insurance claim doesn’t need to be lodged, which reduces your future panels.

Please see our “Can We Fix It” page for guidelines to see if your ding or dent can be repaired. Or call us on 0427 386 337

If you are unsure, please send us a message and best to upload a photo via our CONTACT PAGE and we can have a look at it for you and call you back.

  • Hail Damage – Generally each year there will be a hail event in Perth and it can be minor or major.  As each dent is generally small, we can fix multiple dents over multiple panels.
  • Car Dings – This could be caused by debris from traffic hitting your car with stones, or branches, nuts, etc dropping from trees
  • Creases – Generally the result of a careless person in your local car park hitting your door with theirs.
  • Dents – General wear and tear and hard objects hitting panels.

We make it convenient for you. We can repair your car at your office or home. We will fit in with your plans and provide a quick and easy service so that you can get your car back into good condition using paintless dent removal.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Yes, we come to your home or office to repair your damaged car.